Elicits and documents requirements that are eventually captured

Elicits and documents requirements that are eventually captured

Elicits and documents requirements that are eventually captured in some form of requirements specification document that is subject to project review and approval by stakeholders. This is particularly true for MIS projects where the requirements tend to cross multiple engineering disciplines, stakeholder groups, and business areas. As industrial engineers, we help facilitate this review and appraisal work as part of our effort to increase Requirements Management maturity in our organization.

Here are some worksheets and materials from a general requirements review and appraisal process:

  • Requirements Worksheets – This file includes some sample forms for effectively eliciting and defining requirement statements that end up in the requirements specification, and the fourth page outlines a possible document review procedure.
  • Requirements Review Criteria – This one-page worksheet is a data collection form that is used during a requirements review to have each review participant score the document on a set of quality criteria.
  • Requirements Review Results – This one-page display shows how the data collected on the above form can be collected from participants to provide a quantitative picture of the perceived quality of the document after one or more reviews have taken place.
  • Reqts Classification Example 1 and Request Classification Example 2 – Two sample worksheets for practicing the identification and categorization of requirement. (Note: These are for practice. They are not collected as part of this activity.)

Read through these materials to get a general sense of the types of issues that a requirements review typically looks at.

Next, browse (just browse, you don’t need to read it all!) through the following example requirements: Requirements Examples. Note that there are several requirements examples included, from different phases of projects, written at different levels of detail. The point of browsing these is for you to see that the quality criteria in the worksheets would definitely need to e handled or interpreted differently depending upon the type and phase of the requirement specification being reviewed. Tools like those above need to be adapted in order to improve process capability.

Write and submit a one-page reflection for this activity in which you consider the use of the sample review criteria categories (e.g., complete, correct, precise, consistent, etc.) illustrated above in the above criteria in your work as an industrial engineer. Of the categories provided, which do you think are the two or three most important to project success, and why? Which do you think is the least important, and why? Describe your opinions in the context of the types of projects you expect to work on in your near-term career, recognizing that other students might prioritize very differently based on their perception of their future projects.

Your answer needs to be reasonably argued to earn full credit regardless of which categories you pick.

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Elicits and documents requirements that are eventually captured

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