Develop a comprehensive Unit Plan consisting of at least five consecutive lesson plans designed for the preschool level

Develop a comprehensive Unit Plan consisting of at least five consecutive lesson plans designed for the preschool level

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
Develop and complete a unit plan. The preparation and presentation of this unit plan demonstrate your pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills, dispositions, planning, and assessment abilities as stipulated in state and national standards.

Directions for the Unit Plan:

Develop a comprehensive Unit Plan consisting of at least five consecutive lesson plans designed for the preschool level. Prepare five consecutive lessons using the lesson plan template provided in Appendix D. Review the grading rubric in Appendix E for additional details that need to be included.

Begin by selecting a target group of at least three students at the setting where you did your field experience in Assignment #1. Provide a description of the developmental needs and characteristics of the target group (e.g., languages and special needs). Observe the students and informally talk with some of them to find out about topics of interest to them. Write down your findings. Based on your observations and interactions, prepare a list of the students’ interests.

Meet with the classroom teacher and talk about concepts and themes related to each of the subject areas that would be appropriate for the target group of students. Review the content area scope and sequence provided by the school or school district and/or state department of education. Share your findings from the observations and conversations with students and consult with the classroom teacher about possible relevant topics for the five lesson plans.

Considering the information from your observations and discussion with the classroom teacher, choose a theme or topic to serve as the focus for your unit. Provide a brief statement that describes the outcomes of your consultation with the classroom teacher, and how it contributed to selecting the theme or topic for the unit.

Answer preview Develop a comprehensive Unit Plan consisting of at least five consecutive lesson plans designed for the preschool level

Develop a comprehensive Unit Plan consisting of at least five consecutive lesson plans designed for the preschool level


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