How would you mitigate those issues that were identified? How would you further lock down that device?

How would you mitigate those issues that were identified? How would you further lock down that device?

Practice locking down a Windows client using the steps below. You can use your own Windows device for this lab. Make sure you include screen shots of your analysis.

Task Description

Analyze your own Windows device. That analysis should include a discussion on;

Describe the steps you took to analyze the device security

Is the device open to the Internet? How would you know?

Does the device have vulnerabilities? How would you know?

From the OSI perspective, what is the risk profile of this device?

How would you mitigate those issues that were identified? How would you further lock down that device?

If you were a security leader for an organization, how would this translate into cybersecurity governance – i.e. policies, procedures, etc.?

Answer preview How would you mitigate those issues that were identified? How would you further lock down that device?

How would you mitigate those issues that were identified? How would you further lock down that device?


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