Emancipation Debates

In a paper of 750-100 words, answer the following questions:

  1. What is Jewish emancipation? Explain this in your OWN words. Note that this is different from other kinds of emancipation in America (such as slavery or civil rights-related issues).
  2. What arguments were made both for and against Jewish emancipation? Discuss at least one of each argument for and one argument against Jewish emancipation from the primary sources listed below. They should be two different sources.
  3. What does the debate about Jewish emancipation teach us about Jewish history?

Your introduction should provide a roadmap for your paper. You should paraphrase the arguments you will be discussing for and against Jewish emancipation from the introduction. Your paraphrase should be at most a sentence. The goal is for your reader to have a vague understanding of the two arguments you will be discussing from the introduction.

You should discuss two primary sources in your paper. You may quote from them directly, but you should explain all your quotations to demonstrate that you understand them. In other words, do not let direct quotations do the work for you.

The concluding paragraph or two should explain to the reader what debates about Jewish emancipation teach us about Jewish history. You do not need a bibliography. You should cite all direct and indirect quotations with the author and page number, e.g. (Michaelis, 36). Please include a word-count at the top of the paper. Papers should be double spaced and size 12-font.

Primary source options:

Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, Concerning the Ameliorate of the Civil Status of the Jews in Mendes-Flohr and Reinharz, 27-34

Johan David Michaelis, Arguments Against Dohm, in Mendes-Flohr and Reinharz, 34-36.

Moses Mendelssohn, Response to Dohm, in Mendes-Flohr and Reinharz, 37-40

Moses Mendelssohn, Remarks Concerning Michaeliss Response to Dohm in Mendes-Flohr and Reinharz, 40-41

Moses Mendelssohn, On the Curtailment of Jewish Juridical Autonomy in Mendes-Flohr and Reinharz, 94-96.

Moses Mendelssohn, Jerusalem (selections)

Grading Guidelines

13.5-15 The introduction provides a roadmap for the paper. The explanation of the term emancipation is thorough and nuanced. The paper presents arguments from two primary sources. Quotations are used as evidence for the papers claims rather than making the claims themselves. The paper provides a clear account of what the emancipation debate teaches us about Jewish history. The paper is easy to understand and does not include grammatical or typographical errors, thereby demonstrating that the paper has been proofread.

12-13.2 The introduction provides a roadmap for the paper. The explanation of the term emancipation is accurate. The paper presents arguments from two primary sources. Quotations are used as evidence for the papers claims although they may be slightly too long. The paper discusses what the emancipation debate teaches us about Jewish history. The paper is easy to understand with only a few grammatical or typographical errors.

10.5-11.8  The introduction discusses the papers topic. The paper discusses the term emancipation, but the explanation is insufficient or inaccurate. The paper presents arguments from two primary sources. The paper mentions that the emancipation debates teach us something about Jewish history. The paper is difficult to understand and contains several grammatical or typographical errors. The paper may be fewer than 700 words.

9-10.5 The introduction discusses the papers topic. The paper discusses the term emancipation, but the explanation is insufficient or inaccurate. The paper presents arguments from one primary source. The paper mentions that the emancipation debates teach us something about Jewish history. The paper is poorly written

For the citations use the ones listed above. Thank you so much I really appreciate your hard work!!