A. Do you have experience hiring and/or managingpeople?
1. 1. a) Please describe your experiences andassociated responsibilities and duties in those roles.
b) Pleasehighlight how many people you managed in each case
B. Do youhave experience owning and operating your own business?
2. 2. Pleasedescribe your responsibilities and duties in these roles. Please highlightrelevant people management experience.
3. 3. Ifselected to own and operate a Delivery Logistic Company, what personal andbusiness goals would you hope to achieve by starting your company?
4. 4. Whatthree words would you use to describe the culture you would foster at yourcompany? Explain why you chose each word to represent your company’s culture.
5. 5 . Pleasedescribe your leadership style
6. 6 . Pleaselist and describe your current involvement in the community. Do you volunteerfor any local agencies, participate in any events that benefit communitymembers, or belong to any clubs or groups?
7. 7 . Isthere anything in your personal, professional, or financial history thatrequires explanation?