Write a paper on the topic, below, between 2 and 3 typed pages, double spaced.
Please stick to the page limit of 3 pages.
This limit is to help students write a focused paper.
Assignment Topic:
Make an argument about the extent to which the Jose Flores Interview reveals how the 1930s New Deal was a turning point in U.S. government efforts to provide help to all groups in economic need, or not, during the Great Depression, and whether these efforts were successful, or not, or only partially successful. (Jose Flores Interview regarding Mexican American Farmworkers in the 1930s is in the Reading the American Past book.) (For those using a different edition of the book, a copy of the interview document is also in Files in Canvas.)
— Support your argument with evidence by using 3 different and specific examples from the Jose Flores Interview (Mexican American Farmworker), in your own words.
— In addition, use specific definitions of at least these 3 terms in your own words to support your argument in your essay:
— Great Depression — (include definition and textbook specifics),
— New Deal — (include definition and textbook specifics), and
— Farm Security Administration (FSA) — based on information from The American Promise textbook and in Reading the American Past, at the start of the Jose Flores document, for the FSA, which is in both books.
IMPORTANT: — Use specific information from The American Promise textbook for all 3 terms, above. (You can use more terms, but you must use those 3.)
— Use citations (state source and page number) for evidence from the assigned Jose Flores Mexican American Farm Worker document and for evidence from The American Promise assigned textbook regarding the terms. See Quoting and Citing section, further down, below for examples of how to cite and the required format. You must use citations with source and page number for each piece of evidence from assigned readings. You don’t need to use quotes, although brief quotes are fine, but you do need to use citations for document examples and terms from the textbook. Most of the paper MUST be in your own words, using your own analysis.
— Also briefly state in your introduction and restate in your conclusion why this history is significant or still important today. — Use a current event (a U.S. event on the news in the past 1 or 2 years) to help explain the historical significance and ongoing impact today in the U.S. of an issue in the past history.
Follow the basic structure of a college-level essay, with:
— an introduction paragraph containing: — a main argument sentence (answering the assignment topic, above), a 2nd supporting sentence, and a 3rd sentence in which you briefly state why the history is significant or still important today. — In the introduction paragraph, use a current event (a U.S. event on the news in the past 1 or 2 years) to help explain the historical significance and ongoing impact today in the U.S. of an issue in the past history.
— at least two body paragraphs providing analysis, in your own words, of the evidence from the required 3 document examples from the assigned Jose Flores document, and 3 terms (as noted above) from the syllabus Week 3 which are also in the The American Promise assigned textbook, using specific evidence to support your main argument. — Make sure you have a topic sentence (main point) for each of your paragraphs. Your other sentences will be supporting sentences providing the evidence to support your main point in a paragraph.
— a conclusion paragraph with at least three sentences, one of which restates your main argument, a 2nd sentence which is a supporting sentence, and a 3rd sentence which briefly restates why the history is significant (or still important today).
Each paragraph needs to have at least 3 sentences, which is standard for college-level and professional work. Of course you can have more sentences (and more paragraphs), but stick to the page limit of 3 pages.
1 primary source document (with 3 examples from document), and 3 terms (see instructions, above), based on the information listed, above.
Do not use terms that are the same as your primary source document (no double counting); show your knowledge of the material.
— Put in black bold font the names of your document and terms in your paper — ONLY bold in black the names of the evidence (name of document or author, name of terms), NOT the sentence. This will help you to make sure that you have everything, and it also helps me to see the evidence in your typed paper, and to grade faster, and get the grades in more quickly.
See the essay assignment, above.
To receive credit, you MUST use the assigned readings, including The American Promise textbook, and the assigned versions of document in Reading the American Past and/or the Handout Sets in Files in Canvas.
— In your paper, you MUST use page numbers in citations from the assigned readings for your 3 terms (on syllabus from the relevant weeks and in The American Promise book) and for your 3 document examples from Reading the American Past and/or the Handout Set(s) in Files in Canvas. See more information about required formatting for citations, in Quoting and Citing section, further down, below.
See Exam Information on Syllabus p. 2-3.
–– Put Your Full Name (& Nickname) at very TOP of your first page.
— Under your name, put: Course #, Section #, and Date (with Year).
— Double-space your papers. (NOT 1.5). DOUBLE – SPACE.
— 1-inch margins on all sides: — right, left, top, bottom.
— Use only .pdf or .docx files. NO links. Unreadable or incorrect file or location = 0/F.
— 3 pages MAX. (To grade all students on same amount of work.)
— Page limit is also to prevent rambling and to help focus the paper.
— Standard readable 12 point black font. (NOT 11, NOT 10).
— Put Page Numbers (for the paper) in top right corners of each page.
— Have a TITLE for your paper which reflects your main argument.
— Underline your title and skip a space before your first paragraph.
— Use in-text citations WITHIN the paper to cite your sources.
— See Quoting and Citing, in section, below.
— Use a Bibliography, or Works Cited page, at the end of your paper.
— Follow Chicago Manual of style (free, online manual) for Works Cited.
— Put in black bold font the names of your documents and terms in your paper — ONLY bold in black the names of the evidence (name of document or author, name of terms), NOT the sentence. This will help you to make sure that you have everything, and it also helps me to see the evidence in your typed paper, and to grade faster, and get the grades in more quickly.
You must cite page numbers for your evidence examples in your paper (for documents and terms).
Cite like this at the END of your sentence:
NOTE: The period only goes after the citation and NOT in front of it.
That way, the reader knows that a citation goes with a sentence.
Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence (Roark, The American Promise, p. 999).
For the Textbook:
(Roark, The American Promise, p. 176).
For the Documents book:
(Johnson, ed., Reading the American Past, p. 23).
For the Handout Set:
(in Handout Set, p. 8).
–> The link below is a source for this essay. which is about
Great Depression and New Deal
–> If anything is missed, please let me know I can send you