Ethic topic 3-4

Question 1 : What do you view as the greatest strength of psychological egoism? Why? What you envisage as the greatest weakness of psychological egoism and why? (Make sure to offer a brief explanation of what psychological egoism involves along with concrete examples to make your case). How does either Tolkien’s "Lord of the Rings" OR Plato’s Ring of Gyges story Or the episode of the T.V show "Friends" tap into the theme of whether humans cannot help but be selfish. (be sure to avoid being too vague–mention some details of the narrative!) (Do not answer the Lord of the Rings if you are not familiar with the narrative—both the Ring of Gyges story and the episode of Friends is covered in some depth from our textbook!)

Question 2 :Imagine the scenario Bernard Williams sets up in an unnamed country in South America.  You are given the choice between two alternatives.  Either shoot and kill one to save nineteen.  Or you walk away and all twenty are executed.  What would a utilitarian advise to do and why? Why does Williams argue that walking away is the best moral decision? Would you shoot one or would you leave?