Research Paper Two: The topic of this research paper is Ethical Issues in Components of the Criminal Justice System – police organizations – the courts – the correctional institutions. The research paper must be 8-10 pages in length, double-spaced, and written in New Times Roman 12pt font. The paper must include a Title and Reference page, and an Index or Table of Contents page. The Title and Reference pages, and the Index or Table of Contents page are not included in the page length requirement. APA guidelines must be followed. Significant point reductions will be assessed should these requirements not be followed.
For this research paper you must research the Internet, journals, or articles for five (5) significant ethics violations in any Federal, State, or Local investigative or police organization, a Federal, State, or Local court system, or a Federal, State, or Local correctional institution. Then discuss in detail the violation against the ethics policy of the organization, the reason(s) this is a violation of a the policy. This means to explain the case first, then the misconduct, what the act violates, and then the disposition of the allegation, if known. Note: when addressing the specific misconduct you are required to cite a specific Federal, State or Local law, rule, or regulation that was violated. The paper should be structured as follows:
Title Page
Index or Table of Contents Page
a. Ethical Violation (Note: This is usually one or two sentences explaining what law, rule or regulation was violated)
b. Details of the Case and Disposition (Note: This is a very detailed narrative of the case under review. Meaning, explaining: who was involved, what happened, where the case was located, and the disposition of the case or the characters involved).
Reference Page
Because the requirements of the research papers assignment are made available to you on the first day of the semester, no extensions under any circumstances will be granted. In addition, all research papers are submitted to for review. Should the review by disclose a high percentage of suspected plagiarism, the paper will not be graded. You will receive feedback about the suspected plagiarism and a new due date for re-submission. That extension will be for a period not to exceed 48 hours. Should the second review by reveal a high percentage of suspected plagiarism, or you failed to submit a revised research paper, the second submission will not be graded and a permanent zero will be entered into the grade book followed by a report to the Program Chair.