Find an article from the most recent online edition of Bloomberg Businessweek (BBW

Find an article from the most recent online edition of Bloomberg Businessweek (BBW). 
Here is a link set-up for my business classes where you can access Bloomberg. (Links to an external site.) 
Look at the right column, second yellow box, and you will find Bloomberg Business.
 May use prior week if needed. If you choose to use a different journal, which “may” be an option if it is a professional, scholarly journal, that  journal must be PRE-APPROVED by professor each time.
What you need to do:
Discuss/relate to the current weeks or last week’s assigned chapter to the chosen article. Synthesize your discussion to about one page 400-500 words minimum. Properly develop your essay, with excellent grammar/writing style, with paragraphs and in-text citations.
(See details defined below under Structure. If you do not follow the prescribed structure, your work will not be graded and will receive a -0- score.)
Please look at the due date and take note.  No late submissions accepted for any reason. You can always work ahead so in case of an emergency or any kind of issue, that you can still make sure you meet the requirement of this submission by the due date.
Review the rubric to understand more fully the expectations.
Expectations: Clearly demonstrate a synthesis of material from what you read from the chapter to what you read from a current business article, then articulate the application of a concept to a rea-life situation. Turn-It In Scores have to be under 20. Essay should NOT be written in first or second person. Must have section headings based on the following structure: article title, concept name/term from current chapter that is being related to the article with the term/concept defined, application of concept with article content/subject, conclusion.)
Structure: Include Title Page and Reference Page separate from this one page (could be two pages) described below. Use single or 1.5 line spacing in document, Times New Roman or Calibri font. Develop work with headings and paragraphs. (Paragraphs either need to be indented or double spaced between them). Title page should contain title of article with concept, your name, chapter number, date of submission. Reference page should be formatted in APA and contain at least two references. One would be for the article and one for the text. Any additional supporting references utilized should be included and encouraged. EVERY reference has to align with at least one in-text citation for that particular reference. It is not acceptable to just say the entire paragraph was a paraphrase from the source. You need to have parts that are clearly your own writing that are complimented and supported with in-text either direct quotes or paraphrased sections that are properly referenced. All work must be formatted correctly, following APA guidelines.
If this format is not followed, the submission will receive an overall -0- score.
Title Page (page 1)
Content (page 2-3)
Title of Article
Date of Publication
(Must be from current week or the previous weeks Bloomberg Business journal or approved journal)
Concept from Chapter Identified (Concept and Chapter #)
Concept/Theory/Model [name]: [define]  In one paragraph provide an overview of the concept selected from the chapter. This should include a direct in-text citation from the class textbook.
Application: Explain how the concept/theory/model applies to the current article. Discuss the article, discuss the concept, merge the two, and develop an essay with 3 to 4 paragraphs as the body of your work. Pull in additional research on the topic where you may cite additional sources on the topic.
Conclusion: In a brief closing paragraph conclude the essay with why the concept/theory/model is relevant today and important to business.
References (Page 3 or 4) Contains book citation of concept, contains Bloomberg article reference, contains any other supporting scholarly sources used.
Appropriate selection/analysis of reading
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefine terms / Application of concept
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormally written essay with good writing skills, fully supported, and proper utilization of APA format.
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClearly demonstrates understanding of the subject matter
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates ability to think logically and write persuasively
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesize Information From Application Disciplines Into Management Concepts
Synthesize Information From Application Disciplines Into Management Concepts
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExhibit Effective Oral and Written Communication Skills
Exhibit Effective Oral and Written Communication Skills
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply Management Ethics And Demonstrate Understanding Of Corporate Social Responsibility, In The Context Of A Diverse, Global/Multi-Cultural Business Environment.
Apply Management Ethics And Demonstrate Understanding Of Corporate Social Responsibility, In The Context Of A Diverse, Global/Multi-Cultural Business Environment.
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyze, interpret and synthesize data to make managerial decisions.
Analyze, interpret and synthesize data to make managerial
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImplement foundation concepts of management and explain management roles, i.e. setting goals, objectives, and strategies to accomplish a purpose.
Implement foundation concepts of management and explain management roles, i.e. setting goals, objectives, and strategies to accomplish a purpose.
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Total Points: 25