Cause and Effect
Directions: In an essay, respond to the following topic:
- Write a cause and effect essay in which you explore a single and currentenvironmental issue. There are many current environmental issues–address ONE in your essay.
As you write the essay, remember the following:
- Keep in mind that cause and effect essays examine causes, describe effects or do both. They link situations and events together in time, with causes preceding effects.
- Create a thesis that establishes the causal chain.
- Support thesis with multiple expanded examples.
- Develop a minimum of four controlling body paragraph ideas, with each addressing a single cause and/or effect.
- Do NOT use first person (I/we) or second person (you/yours) in this essay. Write from the third person point of view.
- Utilize a minimum of one outside source—but no more than three. Sources must be documented within the essay–parenthetical documentation–and on the Works Cited page adhering to MLA rules. Failure to fully document your sources will result in a FAILING grade for the essay assignment.
- Draft, draft, and draft. Remember no essay can be completed in a single draft. Complete multiple drafts keeping in mind each of the essay parts–thesis, development and support, organization, and mechanics.
- Meet the word minimum of 700 words. Your essay may exceed it by an additional 250 words.