Healthcare Interoprability

  1. Read the required activities (readings and YouTube video).
  2. .
  3. Answer the following questions from the required readings and an additional reference:
    1. Discuss your viewpoint on this issue: Evidence suggests that many small-and medium-scale electronic health record (EHR) implementations encounter problems. These problems often stem from users’ difficulties in accommodating standard terminology into their work practices.
    2. Who should be interested in interoperability and why?
    3. Explain the importance of  in reducing variation in clinical practice.
  4. Remember to include a discussion about your additional relevant reference in answer to the assignment questions.
  5. ***Use the links below, along with the files attached to respond to the 3 questions above. The additional relevant reference is the article titled   “Integration of a nationally procured electronichealth record system into user work practices” attached below******