Read the annotated version here Ho Chi Minhs September 2, 1945 Declaration of Vietnamese Independence and respond to the following questions.
1. What reasons does Ho Chi Minh cite for demanding independence from France after WWII?
2. How does he appeal to Vietnamese history in making his appeals?
3. Why do you think Minh made the appeals he did to the U.S.?
4. How do you think US officials responded? How should they have responded?
Submission guidelines:
* Attach as a Word document to this assignment. Please do not use any special characters/symbols in your file name. Aim for about 300 words, or 1 page.
If you are interested in the broader story of Ho Chi Minh’s relationship with the OSS (the forerunner to the CIA) during the Second World War, read this recent article in the CIA’s in-house journal Studies in Intelligence: