How do individuals use their bodies to link their selves with society?

  • 6 pages double-spaced
  • Your paper must have a thesis in bold print, as well as an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Use quotes, page numbers, in-text references, and a bibliography in APA style (only the bibliography needs to be in APA style).
  • Use course readings thoroughly and deeply to support your argument. 
  • Course videos can be used as supporting material.


Main Question: How do individuals use their bodies to link their selves with society?


Answer all of the below questions in the course of your essay.

  • Describe and use theories of self and impression management in your analysis.
  • Use real-world examples to illustrate your points.
  • How are bodies shaped and displayed to have a social impact (for example, as used to express, display, and exhibit self)?
  • How are bodies physically used to connect with other people?
  • How do bodies provide a conduit for social interaction?