HSC100 lesson 6

Activity 1: Collaborative Career Ladders

Develop your career ladders for the area in health science that most interests you. Since you are just beginning your program, your interests may change. However, thinking about the steps in your career will help you focus as you start off.

Activity 2:  The Internet of Things and Big Data Group Discussion

What is the Internet of Things?  And what does Big Data have to do with health science? 

How does the Internet of Things have affect on healthcare? Investigate new technologies such as wearable technology for health monitoring, computerized prosthetics, video camera implants in eyes, etc to further understand the advances being made.

Then find out more about big data and healthcare. Is it more than electronic medical records?  What are the pros and cons?  How can big data help in diagnosing and treating patients?

Finally, investigate the security issues with everything going electronic. 

Activity 3:  Add to your Team Pinterest Board health science careers.  Be sure to annotate each picture with your own information rather then just was is there already. You might have to do some more research to do this.