I am sam

I am Sam PaperFor this paper you will use Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) and apply it to the I am Sam movieYour paper should contain the following information:Engagement: What would you initial engagement be with Sam What pertinent questions would you asked based on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Provide at least three roles (ie advocate, broker, facilitator, etc.) you may have to fill What skills will be used (types of questioning, eye contact, etc.)Assessment: What is the problem(s) What are the client strength(s) and weaknesses Formulate a clear description of Sams system(s)Planning: Prioritize problem(s) Translate problems into need(s) Evaluate levels of intervention for each need(s) Establish goals Specify objectivesImplementation: What would your follow-up plan look like How would you monitor Sams progressEvaluation: How would you evaluate Sams progress? (Choose one or come up with a different one) Single subject design Goal attainment scaling Task Achievement scaling Client satisfaction questionnaire Target-problem scalingTermination: What would termination look like? Is there any referrals needed (if so what would they be) Discuss emotional reactions from client and you as the social worker.Follow-up: When would you follow-up with Sam? What is the goals of following-up?Paper Mechanics: Paper needs to be in APA format Paper needs to be written in paper form not bullet point form. Paper minimum length is 3 full-pages not counting the title and reference pages Must have at least 3 scholarly resources You can use your textbook as a resource.

Optional resource: https://www.andrews.edu/cas/socialwork/field/generalist_intervent-.pdf