I.Legal Environment Analysis Guidelines

This is a written assignment. It needs to be 3 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 margins.

The assignment is due on Sunday, February 13, by 11:59pm.

To submit it, use the “Legal Environment Analysis” Turnitin link that you will find by accessing the Assignments link in Blackboard.

Each individual has to turn in one written assignment.

In this assignment, you need to analyze the legal environment of the country for which you signed up in the beginning of the semester (please pay particular attention to this guideline; you cannot receive credit for this assignment if you use a different country for your analysis). In your paper, make sure you:

1. Describe the legal environment of the country, making specific references to

– the rule of law (to what extent is the country governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials)


– laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions).

2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment.

3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate the country’s legal environment.