In terms of 21st century healthcare, how effective is the patient portal in the United States?

1.  Be sure to use a word processing software that is compatible with Microsoft Word or Open Office.

2.  Use black font color only.

3.  Size 12 font.

4.  Paper margins should be 1 inch from top, bottom, right, and left.

5.  Include a cover page (title page) with your name

6.  Your thoughts should be clear and organized.  *Be sure to stick to one thought at a time

7.  Check your paper for grammatical and spelling errors prior to submission.

8.   References: at least three cited references (APA format) are to be listed on a separate page (the last page of your research paper).

9. Do not copy and paste, plagiarism is a serious academic infraction and will be dealt with accordingly. Remember to properly quote in text when you reference information from other sources.  Any papers copied directly from other sources may receive a score of zero.

10. Assessment for this assignment will be based on: completeness, organization and quality. Use spell-check as points will be subtracted from your score for each spelling error.