Select a population of interest to further research. Research diversity competent practice that can be applied to serve diverse and disadvantaged and/or oppressed populations.
1. For introduction, describe the history of the population, especially in the U.S., its strengths, and the primary characteristics by which members are identified. Describe formal and informal mechanisms in American society that cause or reinforce discrimination and/or oppression (past and present). Describe attitudes and stereotypes (current and historical) of the dominant culture toward the population and the impact of these attitudes on the population (psychological, physical, political, economic, social, etc.).
2. Review what the literature has to say about their topic and whats currently being done to address it. A minimum of two paragraphs describing what the literature has to say about this issue and whats currently being done to address it is required. Provide at least 5 sources; among those, 3 must be articles from academic journals or historical chronicles.