Investigate one of the following disease processes: anxiety, major depression, post traumatic stress disorder, lower back pain , or head trauma/traumatic brain injury.

  1. 1-Analyze and describe the pathophysiology of the disease process and discuss the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in your state and how they affect management of the disease in your community. (3/4 1 page)
  2. 2-Discuss the clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the disease process. (3/4 1 page)
  3. 3-Analyze how the disease process affects patients, families, and populations in communities. (3/4 1 page)
  4. 4-Discuss briefly three strategies you could use to implement best practices for managing the disease in your current healthcare organization. (3/4 1 page)

Change to The body of your paper needs to be 3-4 pages long. This does NOT include the title page and reference page. Papers that are more than 4 pages long will not be accepted. You must reference a minimum of two (2) scholarly sources on your paper and reference national guidelines.