Lab Activity 7 – Article Information

Lab Activity – Article Information: Provide the above information for two journal articles (do not use any already discussed in class) and submit the completed assignment through the Lab Activity link in the Lit Review Continued Module in Canvas 11:59pm on the date specified in the syllabus.

Click the following link for a hard copy of the assignment:  Lab Activity – Article Information.docx  Download Lab Activity – Article Information.docx 


Reminder: Before submitting, please be sure that you 1) reviewed the rubric, 2) ensured the content is your own, 3) cited correctly, and 4) verified that NO QUOTES are contained in the document (per course policy).

Lab Activity – Article Information
Lab Activity – Article Information
Criteria Ratings Pts
Article 1: Information

Title, author, year of publication
1 pts
Article 1: Investigate

Described what the researchers investigated
1 pts
Article 1: How

Described how researchers did the investigation
1 pts
Article 1: Results

Described the basic results (no stats)
1 pts
Article 1: Implications

Described the implications of the study
1 pts
Article 2: Information

Title, author, year of publication
1 pts
Article 2: Investigate

Described what the researchers investigated
1 pts
Article 2: How

Described how researchers did the investigation
1 pts
Article 2: Results

Described the basic results (no stats)
1 pts
Article 2: Implications

Described the implications of the study
1 pts
Total Points: 10