Let the People See book essay

Answer the following question in an interpretative essay.State your thesis upfront and underline it; you are not required to write anintroductory or concluding paragraph. Then add three complete body paragraphsthat substantiate your argument and include sufficient evidence from the bookto prove your thesis. Remember, this is an essay exam: you are asked to presentan argument about the book, not to merely summarize its content.

In Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till, the authorElliott Gorn analyzes how people in various parts of the United Statesresponded to the murder of Emmett Till and the later trial. In an interpretativeessay, analyze the evidence presented in the trial/the press that led BlackAmericans in the South (the Emmett Till generation), white Americans in theSouth, and white Americans in the North to reach significantly differentverdicts about the case. To your mind, what accounts for the difference?

I dont care if its a whole page i just was three extended paragraphs and it to sound good honestly.