For this written assignment, please read the following case study and address the following questions.
Case Study
John, age 14, and his sister Ella, age 8, live with their single mother Sue in a Middle-class part of town. Their mothers boyfriend, Chad, just moved in. Ella has cerebral palsy and requires a great deal of care. Sue works as a manager for a local restaurant but is exhausted by Ellas care. Chad feels Ella is being coddled and can actually do more for herself than she does. Sue is just happy that Ella is hooked up with a good day program. Chad was just fired from his last job for picking a fight with a co-worker who then needed medical attention. Chad said the guy was a jerk and deserved it. Chads lack of income puts a strain on Sues resources. Sue used to have friends in the neighborhood she could talk to but they moved, and now she mostly keeps to herself. John dislikes Chad because he yells at them all the time and has threatened to hit his mother. John is a good student despite all the tension at home and has a good relationship with his Uncle Brad with whom he spends some weekends.
In an essay of at least 1500 words address the following issues based on what you have read in the above case study and your assigned readings.
- What are the indicators for CPA that you see? Consider both children and adults.
- Pick out any protective factors that exist.
- Identify any prevention and treatment services that might be helpful for this family.
- What are some possible points of intervention prior to the acts of CPA?
- The essay must be 1500 words at a minimum.
- Essays should be in a Word document.
- Outside sources must be cited appropriately and you need to include a reference page.
- It is important to use course concepts to support the points made and include all relevant citations in the correct APA format.