A. respond to another classmate with a substantive comment in minimum 100, maximum 150 words abouthow their organism is detrimental/harmful to another area of microbiology, after you haveread their main discussion.
B. Again, you should provide student original writing, paraphrasingfrom credible sources, cite your source for this post in text in parentheses,and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.
Here is the students discussion to respond to:
Many may not know but this microbe has many benifits and ways it can help us. This microbe is in many food and medication products that we use these days. It is known as a bacteria but it has more pros than cons that people don’t know about. It is found in the mouth, intestine and vagina. What type of microbe is Lactobacillus acidophilus? Stated by Faith.O (2022), Lactobacillus acidophilus is a genus Lactobacillus in lactic acid bacteria. What helpful beneficial actions does Lactobacillus acidphilus perform? According to Mcgraw (2021), Lactobacillus acidophilus benifit action would be digestion and help the intestine maintain a normal biota, It is also an important additive to acidophilus milk. Lactobacillus acidophilus cam be used as a probiotic some may say. It can also improve irritable bowel movement. Which subfield of microbiology is Lactobacillus acidophilus involved in? It is involved in the probiotic bacteria mocrobiology subfield. It naturally occurs in the human body but is sometimes in fremented foods, it is often added to yogurt and other dairy products. This bacteria helps break down sugar and also dairy to turn it into lactic acid. This bacteria can also help with yeast infections with a mix of antifungal treatments. Many things that this so called “disease” can help with is depression, Inflammatory bowel disease, and lactose intolorance. Since this microbe helps with the immune system you can eat foods that contain it or it is sold as dietary supplements, but because of this it can come in different strains boost that will be recommended by doctors. You can fijnd this in different supplements such as capsules, tablets, wafers, powders and vaginal suppository This is known as a general health aid. This is a positive disease that is used in different everyday products. And is a very useful microbe in the human body and digestive tract.