Modern Dance Review Paper


NCC DAN 126 MODERN DANCE PROF. SPELETIC SPRING 2022 Tue, Thurs 8:30 Virtual Performance Review Paper/ Presentation and Video List – Due on February 17th 

Classical or Early Modern Dance Works 

Choreographer / Company Dance Title and Link 

Alvin Ailey Revelations 32 mins 

( explores the places of deepest grief and holiest joy in the soul,  

using African-American spirituals and song-sermons…) v=RrPJ4kt3a64&list=PLJbRy1OL9266dPiAcy7m5kac4PU58bMZC&index=16 

Cry 16 minutes 

Donna Wood performing part 1 

Pilobolus Symbiosis 13:05 

(abstract dance focusing on shape, form, design  

not necessarily story or human emotion but the physicality suggests 

a relationship just through the movements themselves)


Paul Taylor Esplanade (30 minutes) in 4 or 5 short sections 


Limon Dance Company The Emperor Jones 

Based on Eugene O’Neill’s play “The Emperor Jones” (1920)  

The Emperor Jones: Daniel Fetecua Soto The White Man: Durell Comedy 

This work is loosely based on the play of the same name by Eugene ONeil . In summary, a fugitive  slave from a work gang, manages to put himself forth as emperor of a small domain. As his treatment of his subjects becomes more tyrannical they eventually respond. 

Martha Graham Night Journey 15 mins 

(based on the ancient Greek myth of Oedipus)


Diversion of Angels 15 mins

Late Modern / Post-Modern / Contemporary Dance Works watch 3 of these Choreographer / Company Dance Title and Link 

Jiri Kylian Petite Morte 

Falling Angels 

PIna Bausch Rite of Spring (La Sacre du Printemps) 



Orpheus – based on the mythological story (You may also watch this piece if you wish; I am just becoming familiar with this work myself) 

Ohad Naharin Deca-dance  

(whole video is 1:13 for our assignment first 27 mins) 

(You can take a look at Echad mi Yodeah a short excerpt of this longer work just to get an idea of what this work is like however you MAY NOT write about only the short excerpt) ? 


Nacho Duato Por Vos Muero 


Crystal Pite The Statement  

Take a look at this excerpt, if you would like to watch this, I will make The  

Statement available (via We Transfer) for you to watch the whole piece 

The Seasons Cannon I cannot find the whole piece of this right now 

but these are some wonderful parts 

Mats Ek The Apartment


Performance (Video) Analysis Project – Essay or Video Presentation  

You are required to watch 6 of the videos listed above  

3 in the classical / early modern list. 


 3 of the videos listed in the late modern/post-modern / contemporary dance list. I particularly enjoy the ones highlighted in red but they are all great works. 


Select 1 dance from each group to write/talk about so 2 dance works to analyze. Choose one dance from the first group and one dance from the second group. If you want to work on a dance that is not in this list, you must receive permission from the professor first.  If your request is approved, then you may work on a video/dance that is not on this list. 

A – Written or B – Spoken Analysis 

There are 4 parts. You must complete all 4 parts. 

1 Essential Information: State which dances you will be writing about.  

Who is the choreographer? Which company is performing the work? What is the title of the dance? What year was that dance made? 

2 Analysis of Physical Movement: How would you describe the dynamic quality of the dancers  movements? Did you notice any similarities between the movements in the dance and some  movements we have practiced in class? Did you notice any similarities or differences in the physicality of the movement in the two different pieces of dance that you watche?  

3 How did the elements of the dance come together to express the dances story / mood/ or  image? Which elements contributed most strongly to communicating the dances theme? (ie:  costumes, music, lighting, use of space, dynamic qualities . . .)  

4 What else would you like to say about the dances you observed? For example, what was most  memorable, what would you like to see more of, which parts would you like to learn 

A – Written Answers should be typed, single spaced. Submitted as a word .doc file or a pdf file or a  Libre office file. Write about each piece separately answer question 2 about each dance, answer  question 3 about each dance, answer question 4 about each dance.  

OR You can answer all questions about one dance and then all 4 questions about the other dance.  Total essay should be not more than 2 single spaced pages. (Approximately 3 paragraphs per page) 

B – Spoken Analysis should be dreafted to answer the same questions given above but instead of  typing it up as an essay, record yourself answering the questions as if it were for an interview, or as if  you were telling someone else about the performance you just saw. Be sure to address each of the  four parts as you would in the written assignment. You do not have to memorize your answers. You  may use notes and refer to them.


You should use your own words to write about the dances. 

You are not required to refer to any outside sources. 

HOWEVER – If you do use any other sources or take any sentences or phrases from another source  about the dance ANY OTHER SOURCE you MUST give a citation telling the source of that  sentence or phrase that you are quoting. You must tell where you read this. 

If you copy ideas or information from other sources and do not cite your sources, and tell exactly  where you found this idea or information, you might be guilty of committing plagiarism. This has  serious academic consequences and can result in failure of the assignment or of the entire course.