The purpose of this assignment is to perform a review of scholarly information on a selected professional nursing topic and describe the implications for nursing practice with patients/families/communities. Please use APA 7th ed. for formatting guidelines, with the request of providing Times New Roman font size 12.
- Research literature and theory should be utilized to support the paper. A minimum of 3 scholarly journal articles (North American) from within the last 5 years (reflects current information) must be utilized to support the paper. At least 2 of the 3 articles must come from the nursing literature. A Standard of Practice or Best Practice Guideline may be used as one of the articles.
Essay Components
- Title Page
- Introduction
- Clearly describe a specific topic/issue and its relevance to professional nursing with patients/families/communities. Develop and articulate a clear thesis statement to explore within the paper. Both a thesis statement and a purpose statement are required.
- Discuss the challenges that patients/families/communities & nurses face in Canada in the situations/conditions.
- Identify the role of the nurse in addressing challenges and improving quality and safety of care in the situations/conditions.
- Conclusion
- Provide a clear, concise summary of your findings and implications
- References
- Include all sources cited in the paper.
- APA 7th edition format
Purpose of paper is clear
Relevance to professional nursing
8-10 points
Demonstrates the ability to construct and communicate a clear, focused introduction
Importance of topic discussed
Thesis statement and purpose is clear
6-7.9 points
Some demonstration of the ability to construct and communicate a clear, focused introduction
Importance of topic unclear
Thesis statement and purpose is unclear
0 5.9points
Limited or no demonstration of ability to construct and communicate a clear, focused introduction
Thesis statement and purpose statement unclear or absent
Challenges to Nurses/Patients/Families/
25-30 points
Demonstration of problem and population clearly identified & supported with literature
Challenges to patients/families/communities & nurses clearly identified & supported by literature
18-24.9 points
Demonstration of problem and population clearly identified
Limited evidence of the problem
0-17.9 points
Problem not clearly identified Population not clearly identified
Evidence is not clear to support problem
Role of the nurse in in addressing challenges and improving quality and safety of care in the situations/conditions.
25-30 points
Role clearly identified and supported with appropriate research literature
Clear link to quality and safety
18-24.9 points
Role fairly well identified and supported with appropriate research literature
Link to quality and safety is weal
0-17.9 points
Role not clearly identified and lacks support from appropriate research literature
Link to quality and safety is not evident
8.0-10 points
Well written highlights ideas presented in paper in a scholarly manner
6.0-7.9 points
Lacks presentation of important ideas in paper
0-5.9 points
Limited or inadequate information presented
Grammar/ spelling
Writing style is appropriate for target audience
8.0 10 points
Superior creativity; no referencing, spelling or grammar errors
6.0-7.9 points
Adequate creativity; some referencing, spelling and grammar errors
0 5.9 points
Lacks creativity; many referencing, spelling and grammar errors
1 mark deducted for each type of APA error
Grade /100