Please follow discussions directions as listed in module 1. In this module we are going to examine 3 case studies. The discussion topics are listed in order below:
1st Discussion: Review the case, Fuqua v. Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation, embedded in this chapter. (a) What main lesson can be learned from this case? (b) What do you think may have been the main reasons for awarding huge punitive damages in this case?
2nd Discussion: Review the Maggie Hazelton case embedded in this chapter. (a) On what basis did both the trial court and the appellate court rule in favor of Richard Smith? (b) Who should be held liable? (c) Discuss the liability issue from the perspective of both personal liability and corporate liability.
3rd Discussion: Case Study (Part V) – Advance Directives. Discuss questions at the end of case study.
AMA (2021). HIPPA Violations & Enforcement. Retrieved from: on 8/11/21.
Singh, Douglas A. (2023). Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities, 4th Ed., Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Swinehart, A. (2021). Nursing Home COVID-19 Litigation: Regulation vs. Reality. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting. Summer 2021.
HIPAA violations enforcement.pdf
Nursing home covid-19 litigation.pdf