Outline requirements below (Argumentative Essay)
For Essay #2, choose a problem you see in society that needs a solution (Obesity) . This paper will be argumentative, and the argument should focus on possible solutions to the problem or issue. Clearly identify the problem, possible solutions, and who should be involved.
A minimum of 6 sources must be used
Only two of the sources can be .com (“dot-com”) Websites
At least four sources must come from EBSCOhost and/or Opposing Viewpoints
All source material must be cited in APA format, both in-text and on the reference page.
Length & Formatting
This essay must:
be 2,000 to 2,500 words long
use APA formatting
have an APA-style Cover Page
have APA-style in-text citations and a References page
Do not use any form of the pronoun “you”
Do not ask questions
Do not use Wikipedia