The Contemporary Issues Project is an online student presentation that will cover a contemporary issue in human resource management. A list of suggested topics can be found below. These are just suggested topics. Please feel free to chose another topic. If you would like to email me to check if your topic is appropriate, that would be fine. It is okay if more than one student examines the same topic.
These presentations should be composed in PowerPoint, with slides that highlight the main points of your topic. The notes section below each slide will elaborate on the content of the slide. The notes section should reflect what would be said in a live presentation to the class. Presentations should consist of about 11-13 slides.
After your presentation slides, please include a slide listing your references. It is important to make it clear what information in the various slides is from each specific reference. When presenting your ideas you want it to be clear which ideas and thoughts are yours and which are based on sources, of which you hope to show them as credible and reliable sources of information. Finally, you want it to be easy for your audience to look up information they found interesting in your presentation.
You will be graded on providing original information from outside the course, your analytical thinking about the issue and the clarity and creativity in how the ideas are presented. Your project should examine: (1) what the issue is; (2) why the issue is important and affects employees; (3) how this issue relates to concepts/theories from class; (4) whether there are any new developments to this issue beyond what we’ve discussed in the course (i.e. new laws, new court cases, recent events); and (5) management implications for dealing with the issue.
Example Topics
The Influence of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Human Resource Policies
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
The Supreme Courts View of Reverse Discrimination
The Use of Diversity Training in the Workplace
Current Trends in the Labor Market that Affect Employee Recruitment
Legal Developments in Testing and Selection
Trends in e-HRM and the Use of Human Resource Information Systems
Recruitment and Selection Practices to Avoid Negligent Hiring
Training for Self-Managed Work Teams
Current Trends in the Design of Jobs
Paying for Performance: The Use of Incentive Plans by Organizations
Developing Effective Training Programs
Contemporary Issues in the American Labor Movement
The Employment-at-Will Doctrine and Wrongful Discharge
Alternative Work Schedules: Pros and Cons
The Use of Distributed Work Arrangements
Job Stress: Causes and Consequences
AIDS in the Workplace
Current Issues in Global HRM
The Use of Drug Testing in Hiring and Firing
Workplace Violence: Causes and Prevention
Executive Compensation: Current Concerns and Trends
Designing an Effective Performance Appraisal System
Health Care Cost Containment Strategies for Organizations
Employee Assistance Programs: Advantages and Disadvantages
The Role of the Organization in Resolving Work/Family Conflict
Employer Sponsored Child Care Programs
The Benefits of Wellness Programs in Organizations
Overcoming the Fear of Firing
Legal Trends Related to Employee Privacy