You will use your textbook only one time in each paragraph (except the conclusion) if needed and must also include at least one evidence-based practice (EBP) reference in each paragraph. You are allowed to have more than 5 references but you MUST have at least 5.
Use Google Scholar, Scopus, Pubmed, or CINAHL to find your references from the Biomedical library site.
Please contact a biomedical librarian if you are having trouble finding an EBP article that fits the topic you choose for this assignment.
This paper is to be peer-reviewed. The first draft is due on Feb 18th at 11:59 pm and should be uploaded to the discussion site. You should select a peer to review whose paper is written about a topic different from your topic and conduct the peer review by Feb 20th at 11:59 pm. Your final draft is due to the Assignment site by Feb 21nd at 11:59 pm
Select one of the following topics from your textbook Chapters 7 & 8:
1. Chapter 7 – What is your planning style? Is your planning more likely to be reactive, inactive, or proactive? What describes your most commonly used plan. Provide specific examples and then share the insight with the group.
2. Chapter 7 – Think about your values/beliefs as a nurse and introduce others to your philosophy of nursing. How did you decide to become a nurse, do you love it, would you choose this path again if you could do something different. Do your personal and professional values match your profession as a nurse?
3. Chapter 8 Consider a change that you would like to make in your life, either personal or professional. List the restraining forces that are keeping you from making this change. List the driving forces that encourage you to make this change, and then determine how you can change the status quo to make the change possible.
4. Chapter 8 – Consider the organization you are currently a part of for the following issues: Do you believe that this organization is outdated and behind the times or dynamic and innovative and why. What are some examples of these issues? What are your thoughts on the changes in expectations of nurses and how are you handling this change.
The following steps will help you to create a proper APA formatted paper.
Step 1. The paper must have a Title Page as per Student Paper found in the APA 7th edition book p. 61.
Step 2. This page #2 and should have a title that is bolded and centered at the top of the page. The first paragraph will have your introduction telling the reader what your paper will be about. There should be a “purpose statement” telling the reader why you are writing this paper and then give a quick overview of the topics that will be covered. Include a reference to the textbook in that first paragraph.
Step 3. The second paragraph will also be on page 2; the Header should be bolded. You may use your textbook one time as a reference in this paragraph and also include at least 1 evidence-based articles to discuss key features that are related to the topic you choose to write about. Be careful to use your own words and not copy from the text. No quotes are allowed from any articles or from the text. You may use personal experience but will need to state that this is your experience.
Step 4. On page 3, the first paragraph should have a bolded header. Then further discuss the specifics of the subject you are writing about. If you include a theorist, include the primary source. Include 2 EBP articles in this section. Most of these references should be found in the back of the chapter where theory discussion is found.
Step 5. On page 3 the last bolded header will be Conclusion and should include one paragraph summarizing the subjects that you have discussed no references or new material.
Step 6. On page 4 will be a bolded header called References. There should be at LEAST 3 references (1-textbook, 3- evidence-based article, 3- theory reference). Remember that a primary reference is written by the theorist you have chosen. Most of these references should be found in the back of the chapter where this theorist discussion is found.