

There are three parts to this assessment, but there is not a provided worksheet. To complete this assessment you should create a new document and include Parts 1, 2, and 3 in that document. Upon completion, you should submit one document with all three parts included.

Part 1: Persuasive Essay Outline

Review what you learned about arranging an argument and developing an outline. Build onto your Research Proposal Outline to develop a Persuasive Essay Outline. Download the Example Persuasive Essay Outline [DOCX] and use this example as a guide to complete Part 1.

In Part 1: Persuasive Essay Outline you should:

  • Include a Title page.
  • Lay out your thesis and three supports in an Introduction section.
  • Lay out your three support sections, each with: 
    • Reason, detail, or fact that support your thesis claim.
    • Short quotes from your resources.
    • An appeal to the audiences ethos, pathos, or logos.
    • Counterarguments and rebuttals.
    • Any other supporting information.
    • A summary, conclusion, and transition sentence.
  • Summarize key points in a Conclusion section.
  • Include a References page.
Part 2: First Draft Persuasive Research Essay

Using your Persuasive Essay Outline as a guide, write your First Draft Persuasive Research Essay.

Focus on getting the content on paper, but do not ignore good writing techniques, including grammar and punctuation. Your essay content should be complete from start to finish and should include everything you intend to present in the final version of the essay.

Part 3: Final Draft Persuasive Research Essay

Fully revise your First Draft Persuasive Research Essay. Review what you read and studied about proofreading, revising, summarizing, transitioning, and citing sources, and then, carefully follow these editing principles in your revision.

Try having someone read your essay back to you. Many errors are uncovered this way, and edits should be incorporated in the Final Draft Persuasive Research Essay.

Your Final Draft Persuasive Research Essay should be proofread and fully developed. It should make a strong claim, and successfully support that claim with details and facts, citations, and counterargument rebuttals.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Learn more in the APA section in your textbook.
  • Length
    • Part 1: Part 1 should be a 1.52-page outline, plus a title page and a references page. In Part 1, it is okay to submit information in lists, notes, or shorthandpart 1 does not need to be in full sentences. 
    • Part 2: Part 2 should be a 56-page first draft of the Persuasive Research Essay, plus a title page and a references page. In Part 2, please do not use lists or bullet points. Your first draft should be written in complete sentences and use proper grammar.
    • Part 3: Part 3 should be a 56 page final draft of the Persuasive Research Essay, plus a title page and a references page. In Part 3, please do not use lists or bullet-points. Your final draft should be written in complete sentences and use proper grammar.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.