mparative Social Policy Analysis Project – Complete this first section of the outline to begin establishing your content and building your knowledge for this final assignment.
- The outline must be submitted as a Microsoft word document formatted according to APA guidelines. See
- At this point for the outline please pay particular attention to setting up your document (margins, font type and size, page numbers, etc.)
- For this assignment you need a title page and then the second page can begin the outline. You do not need to include an abstract at this point in time.
- The second page should be formatted as an outline with roman numerals, etc. It should not be an essay format.
- Groups only submit one document. ALL group member names must be on the document.
- You do not need to list the outline questions/content from below on your actual outline. HOWEVER, in your writing be clear and specific so I understand your statements and content. For example, I should be able to read a statement that tells me the extend of the problem clearly, without having to know that is the question you are responding to. Remember that when you write the reader only has the information you share on the page, they do not know what your thoughts were, what your process was or what you “meant” to say. This is advice that will serve you well to remember throughout all writing!
Roman Numeral I
- The Social Problem/ Issue
- What is the problem or need on which you are focusing? “food stability or food insecurity” (Be specific)
- What is the extent of the problem?
- Who is the target/client population?
- How many people are affected and how?
- What data document the problem’s extent?
- How can a claim be made for the need for a policy change?
- How has societal understanding of the social issue and policy approaches changed over time?
- How do understanding and policy approaches to this social problem/need shape current policy?
- What are limitations of the current policy?
- What data supports the claim for policy change?
- What values and how do they shape the problem definition?