Poetry Paper Essay

Religion Poetry Paper

Please write an essay of 4-5 pages (1000-1250 words) based on the following prompt. Your essay must put forth an argument (a specific, non-obvious interpretation with which someone else could reasonably disagree) that is supported by textual evidence (words, sounds, patterns, rhetorical techniques, etc.) which you then analyze (making interpretive comments about the function of those words, sounds, patterns, etc.) to further your argument.

  1. In the poetry we have read in this unit, a number of implicit and explicit claims are made about poetry, art, and the imagination. In a unified essay, make an argument about these claims in one of the poems we have studied, focusing on the way that these claims are communicated, and how they bear on the nature of the human person, the divine, etc.


Use only poem provided

No secondary sources

Oxford dictionary allowed