Discuss the differences between Tom Otterness and Alison Saar’s artwork placed in the New York City Subway system.
- Which one would you prefer to have at home in your own backyard sculpture garden?
- You will need to do additional research to respond to this question!
SUBWAY ART – https://www.timeout.com/newyork/art/best-subway-art-in-nyc
KINETIC SCULPTURE – https://mymodernmet.com/kinetic-sculpture-art-history/
WILLARD WIGAN – https://www.willardwiganmbe.com
TOM OTTERNESS – https://www.tomostudio.com
ALISON SAAR – https://lalouver.com/artist.cfm?tArtist_id=263
FUNERARY ART – CONTEMPORARY – https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-18/why-old-american-cemeteries-are-showcasing-new-art