problem- solving courts

Problem-Solving Courts

[WLOs: 2, 3, 6] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]

Over the past several years, changes to the judiciary system have become evident, as many non-traditional courts have been established within the United States. These specialized or problem-solving courts have begun to deal with problems such as drug-addiction, child neglect, domestic violence, and mental illness.

The Center for Court Innovation (CCI) has developed six problem-solving principles that make problem-solving courts different than traditional courts. These principles are as follows:

  • Enhanced Information
  • Community Engagement
  • Collaboration
  • Individualized Justice
  • Accountability
  • Outcomes

Visit the CCI website: 

Conduct a search of the website to learn about the organization.

Choose one specific type of problem-solving court and locate at least three professional journal articles via ProQuest that describe the program and the projected outcomes of the program. The paper must be six to eight pages in length and must address the following:

  • Identify the journal articles with appropriate headings.
  • Summarize each article and the research findings.
  • Did the research findings vary, or were they similar? If they varied, why might the research have produced contradictory results?
  • After searching the CCI website, describe each of the six problem-solving principles and how they relate to your problem-solving court.
  • Conclude with a paragraph or two sharing your thoughts and opinions of the program.