process essay

  • Assignment: After watching the videos on how to prepare for a timed essay exam and the section on how to write a Process Essay, as well as reviewing your notes on parts of an essay and the writing process from the previous two modules, it is time to take this timed essay exam based on the prompt provided.

  • Time Allotted: Students will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete a prewrite, outline, and a 5-paragraph essay. The prewrite and outline, combined, should take no more than 15-20 minutes and should be quick prewrites and skeleton outlines just to get you started. Set a timer to avoid losing track of time. 

  • Attempts: This exam is setup to allow one attempt.

  • Submission Guidelines: This exam asks that you submit the response as a file upload.

  • File Format/Software: Word, Google Docs, or Pdf

  • Grading: See rubric