You will enhance paper #4 (attached) to meet all specifications stated on both instructions being with implementations of the notes on the PDF attached.
Candidates will continue to work on the Professional Development End Product by combining Part I from Week 4 and completing the Phases of Name It and Do It for Week 5.
Assignment #5 will consist of finalizing the PD plan which includes the contentand context, process used, allocation of time, funding, and other needed resources. You will need a subheading for each of the components named (content, etc.). In writing this portion of the assignment you will need subheadings to designate completion of each of the requirements.
Prepare Assignment #5 and submit in the following order:
Title page
An introduction (This will be the introduction you prepared from Week 4 with completed revisions if I provided corrections).
The Needs Assessment from Week 4 with all graphs with completed revisions if I provided corrections. The implications for week 4 will be added at the end with the implications for Week 5 (total of 6 implications).
Address all of the requirements as stated above by using subheadings for each. Do not blend your subheadings.
State three implications for the role of the principal as it relates to this topic with citations for each implication you discuss. Remember to copy the implications for Week 4 before you state the implications for Week 5
Write paper using using APA style.
Objective #6
Writer will develop a comprehensive professional development plan to address staff needs based on staff appraisal trends, goals, and student information data with 80% accuracy based on a rubric.
Objective #7
Writer will facilitate effective professional development activities that include appropriate content, process, context, allocation of time, funding, and other needed resource with 80% accuracy based on a rubric.
Quality of the Introduction |
Points: 30 (7.05882%) Description of the topic is very well developed using at least 3-4 citations. |
Quality of Information |
Points: 85 (20.00%) Clearly developed narrative that supports the PD Plan several citations. |
Implications on the Principal Role |
Points: 40 (9.41176%) Very well developed implications with citations from the assigned readings of the week. One citation per implication needed |
Evidence of Research |
Points: 30 (7.05882%) Clear indication that the assigned readings, internet and library resources were used |
Sources/APA Style |
Points: 20 (4.70588%) All sources are accurately documented in the desired APA format. |
Mechanics |
Points: 20 (4.70588%) No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. |
PD Plan |
Points: 100 (23.52941%) Meets all of the requirements of the plan with at least 10 citations. |
PD Analysis/Graphs |
Points: 100 (23.52941%) Clearly deveops at least 5 graphs that support the PD Plan with citations to support each graph. |
Here are the instructions for the Assignment number 4 referenced in the instructions. (For reference only, ) Attached is paper number 4 that paper received 135/200 points
#4 Tite: PD Needs Assessment
Please read and follow rubric.
Writer will develop a comprehensive professional development plan to address staff needs based on staff appraisal trends, goals, and student information data ans well as facilitate effective professional development activities that include appropriate content, process, context, allocation of time, funding, and other needed resources
The School you will be writing about is Ramiro Barrera Middleschool in Roma ISD, Roma Texas. You will be focus on ELAR (english language Arts and Reading)
Required readings: Read and View:
Read chapter 4 in Bambrick book
Bambrick-Santoyo, Paul. Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1118138601
View clips within chapter 4
Read chapter 5 in Dufour & Marzano
Dufour, R. & Marzano, R. 2011. Leaders of Learning: How Districts, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement. ISBN 978-1-935542-66-7
Desravines, Aquino, & Fenton (2016). Breakthrough Principals: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Stronger Schools. ISBN 978-1-118-80117
Please use The attached TAPR Report and the CIP(Campus improvement plan and the tapr report for the graphs. You may do more research if need be)
Leverage leadership 2.0 Bambrick Stantoyo
Assignment #4 requires that candidates begin preparing a professional development plan by preparing a needs assessment based on
1) appraisal trends,
2) goals of the schools,
3) student information, and
4) STAAR data results from your school (See attached: STARR DATA and 6300 EOC)
These data sets should be prepared in graph form as per APA Style and will be part of the narrative that is submitted via an attachment (no appendix). Make sure that your graphs are developed in APA format either in figure or table form. You can Google and get samples for both to guide you.
Paper must include the following items:
1) introduction for the topic,
2) a display of the graphs supporting the needs assessment for the PD (Professional Development) proposal, and
3) a narrative that explains the needs of the school to support the kind of PD you will plan
Submit assignment requirements for this week:
Title page
Prepare an introduction about the topic of professional development and the needs assessment from the readings assigned. You must include citations with different authors.
Display of the graphs supporting the needs assessment for the PD proposal. This component should also have a brief narrative explaining each graph below the figure.
State three implications related to needs assessment for the role of the principal with different research citations for each implication you discuss. Please try to find quotes that support your implications.
Write paper using using APA style.
Check the rubric before you start the assignment
Quality of the Introduction |
Points: 30 (15.00%) Description of the topic is very well developed using at least 4 citations by different authors. |
Citations: 4
Quality of Information |
Points: 60 (30.00%) Information clearly describes the PD assessments with at least 4 data graphs with citations. |
Citations : 4
Include short 2-3 sentence narrative explaining each graph
Implications on the Principal Role |
Points: 40 (20.00%) Three very well developed implications with citations from the assigned readings of the week. One citation per implication with different researchers. |
Citations : 3
Evidence of Research |
Points: 30 (15.00%) Clear indication that the assigned readings, internet and library resources were used with at least 5 references. |
Sources/APA Style |
Points: 20 (10.00%) All sources are accurately documented in the desired APA format which includes correctly formatted graphs. |
Grammar/Mechanics |
Points: 20 (10.00%) No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. |