Case study: Bank of Canada Mortgages Materials Relaunch
You are a Marketing Manager at the Bank of Canada. You specifically work on the bank’s Mortgages marketing efforts. Your boss, VP of Marketing, Kevin Grant, has just approached you with a request to kick off a new project to update all printed material such as flyers and posters that are distributed within the bank branches. Having reviewed the materials in a lot of detail, Kevin had become concerned that the Mortgages information is of poor quality. He expressed his frustration to you that the Mortgages materials seem to be out of date: the images didn’t comply with new brand requirements and standards that were introduced in 2019, some of the details on how to apply for a mortgage is old/inaccurate creating a lot of customer complaints, and the material lacks information about the new virtual bankers that can be accessed to process mortgage requests online. You promised Kevin to have the materials updated and printed in time for the annual “Mortgage Blitz” marketing campaign, which you run each year from March 15th to May 20th. As you walk away from your meeting with Kevin, you are feeling anxious. You have never managed such a large update to materials that will require reviewing all written content in the brochures and posters. You will have to ensure all information is updated and correct as any mistakes could cost thousands of dollars if identified after all materials are re-printed. Once you have ensured the information is correct, you will need to have it translated to French and everything will need to printed and distributed to all the bank branches across Canada. You ask your colleague Natalie, who has recently led an update for Savings and Investment materials, how much something like this might cost and how long her project took. Natalie says that her project took 3 months to complete and cost $350,000. She says that one of the reasons it took so long was because Natalie originally neglected to involve Matty Tan, VP of Branch Operations, into her project but says it should be a requirement in yours. Once Matty was brought onto the team, he intervened and requested that a complete audit was undertaken of all branch materials to ensure any changes to the mortgage’s brochures was also updated in other materials that discuss mortgages. This Audit must be completed before the final changes to the mortgages materials is approved. If any changes to the other materials is required to make it consistent with the mortgage’s brochures, you will also need to oversee those changes, translation, printing and distribution to branches. This will ensure that all materials including the mortgage specific brochures and posters as well as the more general brochures that are distributed in branch are all consistent and don’t confuse the customer. Natalie says that the improved materials for her project and the consistency of all materials within the branch reduced customer complaints by 10% and increased overall revenue by 18%. Natalie says you will probably see something similar as a result of your mortgages project. You make a note for yourself to ensure that an Audit is part of your project’s plan from the beginning. Natalie offers you some other tips: VP of Finance, Andrea Gatty, is supposed to approve all projects over $100,000. Natalie also cautions you that the digital team is always very concerned about in-branch materials (like brochures and flyers that are handed out at the bank’s many locations) matching what is on the website, which means that the text and images you put on in the brochures and posters align well with the images and information online. Vanessa Cheer, VP of Information Technologies will want to approve this project, since she will need to allocate people from her department in order to make any website changes. Of course, you will need help from your creative agency to find new images for your brochures and posters that fit with the new brand guidelines and requirements. You will also require someone to translate the information to French and the company requires that you use a translator that has been pre-approved by the bank and has worked on previous projects. Even though March seems far away, you are starting to realize just how big and complex this project is going to be. Thankful for Natalie’s guidance, you head back to your desk to draft a Project Charter for “Bank of Canada Mortgages Materials Relaunch”.
- Provide a summary of your Project as project description
- State one business driver
- Identify 3 project deliverables, only have to illustrate 3 although there are likely more
- 5 or more work packages for each deliverable