Psychology Word Count Information Cquniversity Ro

Psychology Word Count Information Cquniversity Ro


You will use these two initiatives:

Sustainable Communities SA:


Part 1:

1. For these two initiatives, list the program elements (e.g. produce swap stalls, redistributing leftover food from restaurants)

2. For each of the program elements, identify their intended wellbeing/resilience outcomes (e.g. social connectedness, social inclusion, physical health, mental health, reducing carbon emissions, zero waste)

Part 2:

1. For each program element, identify and summarise the research support for the efficacy/outcomes of this program element. Use quality peer-reviewed theoretical and/or empirical journal articles for this part of your assessment.

2. Critique and discuss any relevant shortcomings of the initiatives. You might use peer-reviewed literature here, or also grey literature (i.e. industry/government/NGO reports such as a program evaluation or annual report).

3. Suggest any improvements/additions/modifications that could be made to the two initiatives so that they better meet their proposed outcomes.

Please use a table to set out the program elements and intended outcomes

Example Table:

Cafe 88 is a not-for profit restaurant for people on low incomes and for people that had mental health issues that often led to social isolation. Below is a list of some of the specific features set up in the initiative, with the aim of generating wellbeing elements.

Specific features in the initiative Target wellbeing outcomes

Very long ‘community tables’. Social connectedness; fun.

Cheap (at cost) healthy food. Healthy eating; lowering economic stress (low cost).

Volunteering: Non-team members that volunteered to work at the restaurant were welcomed and included in the team. Giving; belonging; inclusion; achievement and engagement – factors that team members involved in the project also experienced.

Attractive rear garden with tables and chairs. Green space immersion; stress-reduction.

WORD LIMIT: 1,500 +/- 10%

This word limit includes in-text citations but excludes any reference section. Meeting the word count is included as a marking criteria in your marking rubric on Moodle. See the Psychology Word Count Information document for a rationale for using this type of word limit restriction.