Public Announcement: Debate

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Over the years, healthcare providers have strived to improve the way they provide care for patients who identify as LGBTQIAP+. In some cases, a provider makes the decision to seek out both social and clinical education to provide the best level of care to this patient demographic. Other times, a provider may be instructed to comply with institutional guidelines which they may agree or disagree with. For this discussion, you will debate the topic of a hospital publicly announcing a position on healthcare for the LGBTQIAP+ community. Review the scenario below for details:


You are on the leadership team of a non-profit, regional hospital. The hospital recently issued an internal policy requiring increased sensitivity, competence, and annual training for all staff on improving care delivery for LGBTQIAP+ patients. Your leadership team is debating publicly announcing the hospital’s policy. The hospital is in a very conservative state. Many of your patients, donors, and volunteers have religious affiliations.

This debate will occur over two weeks (Unit 6 & Unit 7).

Your instructor will assign you into two groups, each will argue an assigned viewpoint (Pro or Con) of this topic in their own working group for this week. Your personal beliefs may differ, and you will need to use evidence to support the position of your group:

Group A – will debate in FAVOR of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Group B – will debate in OPPOSITION of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

Required action:

  • For this discussion (Unit 6, Discussion 1) choose or step up as a “team leader.” The team leader will be responsible for synthesizing the group’s argument and posting it to the Unit 7 Discussion 1 board for Comprehensive Arguments. The team leader is not required to contribute resources to Unit 6 Discussion 1. To receive credit for participation, the team leader should respond to peers, facilitating dialog about the resources, as needed.
  • In your group, select two arguments for your assigned position.
  • For each argument include a brief explanation (under 400 words) and rationale for why you have selected it. Additionally, provide at least three references (URLs are acceptable) that support this argument.
  • At the end of the week, your leader will post the two arguments and references to Unit 7 Discussion 1.

Individual requirements

  • Before Wednesday at 11:59 pm CST, post one argument for your position. Keep this argument brief (under 200 words) and include two references that support your argument (URLs are fine).
    • You will not be able to see other student posts until after you have submitted your post
    • The group leader is not required to submit this initial post. The faculty member will assist the group leader in their organizational roles. Think of the faculty member as a co-leader.