(read instruction)

It is a very easy assignment I could give u 10 more dollars if you could finished it before 11.45

(and use sentences in first draft below!!)

some instructions:

Grammar Terms

  • Sentence = subject + verb

  • Verb

    • Action word or verb to be

      • Verbs: eat, revise, am, etc.

  • Subject

    • Noun

    • Noun that does the verb

  • Object

    • Noun

    • Receives the verb or has the verb done to it

    • We can have 2 objects in a sentence

  • Predicate

    • Verb + everything else

    • Sentences can be divided into subjects and predicates

  • compound:

    • Sentence

      • My partner cooked dinner, and I cleaned the house.

      • Can be broken into two sentences by removing the conjunction 

    • Subject

      • Two subjects that do one verb together

      • My dog and I went for a walk.

    • Predicate

      • One subject does more than one verb

      • I ate dinner, cleaned my house, and took a nap.

  • Phrases

    • Without ingredients, you cannot cook dinner. 

    • You cannot cook dinner without ingredients.

  • Clauses

    • A subject + predicate that could be its own sentence

  • major grammar errors

    • comma splice

    • fused sentence

    • sentence fragment

    • subject-verb agreement

  1. My parents, but especially my mother, helps me with my school work.

    • Subject-verb agreement

    • Parents is the subject, where mother is part of the phrase.

    • My parents help..

  2. Because I could not get to sleep last night.

    • Sentence fragment

      1. Too many conjunctions

      2. Missing a verb in a sentence

      3. Missing a subject

  3. I cannot come tonight, I have a test tomorrow.

    • Comma splice

    • Its a compound sentence where the two clauses are combined with a comma.

    • Fix it by: adding a conjunction, replacing the comma with a semicolon or m-dash, or making two sentences.

  4. My sister lives in Vancouver is by the sea.

    • Vancouver is a noun that is both in the phrase in Vancouver and is trying to be the subject for the verb is. Nouns can only do one thing at a time

    • My sister lives in Vancouver, which is by the sea.

  • Gerunds

    • Running is fun.

      • Is is the verb

      • Verb + ing = noun

  • Infinitives

    • I love to run.

      • Love is the verb

      • To run is the object receiving my love

      • To + [verb] = noun

  • continuous tenses

    • I am running to the store.

      • Verb is am running

      • [to be] + verb + ing = continuous tense

Sentence Workshop Space

If there is a sentence you are having trouble with, you can copy-and-paste it below (along with the work you have already done on it) and you and I will talk about it.

2.   My senses will expand, and I feel the wind, the moisture in the air, the dust scattering around the corner, the loneliness wrapping around and hugging me.

At that time, I(subject) observed(verb) the cicada pupae I raised every day and observed its metamorphosis.

At that time, I observed the cicada pupae // I raised every day and observed 

I observed the cicada pupae THAT I raised every day and observed