reflective paper

Assignment overview: This writing assignment invites you to reflect on Emily’s experience and then decide whether the U.S. should broaden the inclusion criteria for assisted dying to include intractable psychological suffering. Would you be willing to participate? Assignment instructions: In November 2015, the Economist invited subscribers to visit their film site to watch “24 & Ready to Die,” a narrative about Emily, a young woman who found life unbearable and requested physician assisted dying under Belgium’s euthanasia law. The release of this narrative followed an influential article in The New Yorker entitled “The Death Treatment” by Rachel Aviv (June 22, 2015) critiquing euthanasia as a “treatment” for incurable psychological suffering. While many are adamantly against any physician involvement in suicide or euthanasia and others adamant proponents of the same, the majority of us are unsure of what we ought to think and believe about these as options in a moral society, about what role physicians and other clinicians should play in counseling and assisting, and about what the criteria should be, including whether or not incurable psychological suffering is sufficient ground for a request to end one’s life. Your paper should answer the following questions: Should Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia be allowed for patients who suffer from severe and incurable distress, including psychological disorders? In what way, if any, should clinicians’ beliefs about assisted dying inform what they say or don’t say when counseling patients who want to control how and when they die? What value does a film like “24 & Ready to Die” have in educating the public about assisted suicide and euthanasia?