Research and Critique a Pretrial Diversion Program

This week and last, we have examined creative solutions to emerging problems within the criminal justice program. Once such solution by prosecutors involves developing and implementing Pretrial Diversion Programs. Using your reading, resources and outside sources, research and critique a Pretrial Diversion Program currently operating anywhere in the United States. You must research and include at least three (3) sources in your paper, one of which may be the textbook. You may use content from any of the chapters of your text as well as content provided in Resources.

Specifically, submit a 2-3-page, APA 7th formatted paper addressing the following:

  1. Identify the program’s title, location and target population;
  2. Explain how long the program has been operating and any funding information you can locate; 
  3. Identify and describe the stakeholders (program participants, staff, funders and community members and populations impacted);
  4. Describe the eligibility requirements and process required to enter the program, including who determines if a participant will be admitted;
  5. Explain how the program works, specifically, its goals, objectives and process;
  6. In 3rd person (to be consistent with APA guidelines), evaluate whether this program has been a success and whether it should continue. What improvements could be made to make it even more effective?