1. Chambliss & Schutt. 2020. Making Sense of the Social World. Chapter 4-5.
2. Random number website:
You are involved in a research project to do a survey on 300 faculty members in aselected university in Texas. In order to achieve the external validity, you will use themulti-stage cluster sampling to select these 300 samples. The sampling process shouldbe discussed in detail in following steps:
1. Choose ONE university in Texas and provide the university website link (except forLamar University).
2. Study the assigned reading for multi-stage cluster sampling and explore theuniversity website to decide how will you select the sampling stages and clusters.Discuss how many stages and how many clusters will you select and where will youselect from in order to select the 300 samples of faculty.
3. Visit above Random number website to generate all the random sample numberyou need for this assignment.
4. Write an essay to discuss all sampling procedure, including how you select thedepartments and faculty members for this project. Finally, discuss the advantagesand disadvantages of using this sampling method and what limitations you hadencountered during the sampling procedure.