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The journal article was over Heat shock responses in spinal cord injury injuries and the potential that has to help recover and gain some neural function. The results of the heat shock therapy were determined three or four weeks after the treatment by dissecting the spinal cords. The stem cells were treated with heat therapy prior to being injected. In this study, “they compared the effects of intravenous transplantation with lactated ringers as a solution control, green fluorescent protein-expressing MSC”s (mesenchymal stem cells) and GFP expressing and HS- Treated stem cells. (Woo Keyoung et al., 2020)” This article was looking into a canine model of acute spinal cord injuries but it shows promising effects for the human population. Some limitations to this study many transplanted cells die, within a few days, eventually limiting the efficiency of cellular therapy. (Woo Keyoung et al., 2020) According to the article heat therapy shows that heat responses can accelerate neural sparing and increase the amount of myelination in the cells around the spinal cord injury. This is a great benefit considering with a spinal cord injury, you are going to see the decreased function of the spinal nerves in the area of injury.

Woo Keyoung, K., Wan Hee, K., Oh-Kyeong, K., & Byung-Jae, K. (2020, November). Intravenous Administration of Heat Shock-Treated MSCs Can Improve Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration in Canine Spinal Cord Injury Model. ESBCO discovery service. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from
* Note I was unable to indent the second line and on in my references. 
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