review of Ben Franklins Autobiography

I will post the pdf of the autobiography of benjamin franklin. Please use 3 or like 4 evidence from the pdf and 3 or 4 from outside sources. 

  1. Your essay should not simply be a high school-type book report but instead be a review, a piece of writing that not only shows that you have read the book but also shows that you have thought seriously about what Franklin experienced and wrote.
  2. A major purpose of this reading and writing assignment is to get you to critically engage with issues that a person living in the 18th century (1700s) encountered.  What type of challenges did Franklin, a white male youth and then a young man, face?  What resourcesintellectual, element of character, psychological, spiritual, etc.,–did he bring to the task of building a life?  How did he evaluate other people whom he met during his development and how did he use them, help them, and/or take advantage of them?
  3. Among the types of questions, you may pose in your essay are why has Benjamin Franklin almost always been held up as an exemplary 18th century American?  How did the newspaper publisher, inventor, philosopher, and businessperson make his way to the highest ranks of colonial and revolutionary political leadership in Pennsylvania and then in the U.S.A. between the 1750s and 1790?  How did he earn his reputation for wisdom?  How did he become recognized as a gifted scientist?
  4. The choices of themes in this essay assignment are yours.  What I list above constitutes suggestions.  Use Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing History as your reference for clarity, correctness, and citation style(s)