Rhetorical Analysis

?Write a thesis-driven rhetorical analysis of a text related to our theme of virtual technology. We’ll be looking specifically at texts that directly address a contemporary ethical problem or question related to virtual reality and/or social media.

Bring readers into the context of the reading. In what larger conversation is the author participating? What ethical problems or questions appear in this text? Why are they important? What’s at stake? Introduce the text to the reader, briefly summarize its main idea, and make a claim (thesis) for the author’s rhetorical strategies. A strong claim is both contestable – reasonable people might disagree – and predictive – it will set up expectations for your reader.
Develop your main points around specific rhetorical strategies. Consider how the author constructs the argument, not whether or not you agree. Analysis relies on objective judgments. Remember also that rhetoric encompasses any tools available for persuasion. For example, would it be useful to talk about the argument in terms of ethos, logos, and/or pathos? Or on purpose, audience, and/or genre? In terms of their use of language? Diction? Figurative language? Sentence structure? Syntax?
Support your main points with concrete examples (evidence) from the text. To develop and support your own points, you will need to include specific examples in the form of paraphrase or short direct quotations