School Culture and Climate




Students will write and submit a 1500 words essay that:

(a) identifies and explains at least 2 strategies that school leaders may use to assess school climate and school culture, plus

(b) identifies and explains at least 3 strategies that school leaders may utilize to enhance school culture at their school.

Chapter 4 Organizational Influences on Leadership in R.L. Green’s textbook 

Green, R. Practicing the Art of Leadership: A Problem-Based Approach to Implementing the ISLLC Standards, 5th Ed. Pearson, 2018


Citations must come from the articles and greens book



1.Sense and Nonsense about Culture and Climate, Professor Edgar H. Schein


2.Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture, Edgar H. Schein


3.Schein’s Three Levels of Culture, Edgar H. Schein


4. Principals as Leaders in a Culture of Change, Michael Fullan , Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Educational Leadership, May 2002


5. The School Leaders Tool for Assessing and Improving School Culture, Christopher R. Wagner PL December 2006, pp. 41-44


6. School Climate and School Culture, They Are Not the Same Thing, Steve Gruenert, Principal, March/April 2008, pp. 56-59


7. What is School Climate? Alexandra Loukas, Leadership compass, volume 5, No. 1. Fall 2007


8. Developing and Assessing School Culture: A New Level of Accountability for Schools, Character Education Partnership

 9. The Challenge of Assessing School Climate, Jonathan Cohen, Terry Pickeral, and Molly McCloskey