3. Implications on the Five Elements of a Business Model (who it serves, what it provides,
how it makes money, how it differentiates itself and sustains competitive advantage, how
it provides its products/services) are discussed based on the subtitles as stated herein
with emphasis on the fourth element that focus on the unique/verifiable features of the
product/service that gives the firm its comparative advantage over its competitors (use a
comparative factor analysis matrix table; sample available in the Student Resources folder
via the file tab). You must state EACH of the Five Elements of a Business Model as subtitles
to be discussed separately. The implications of the findings on the five elements are
stated and discussed as well. Additionally, there is an assessment of the business model
regarding some potential vulnerabilities (weaknesses) to disruption by the competition
with recommendations on how to sustain the business model against such disruptions.
Provide evidence of how you diagnosed the vulnerabilities of the business model to be
framed as such. 30 to 50 points.
4. Historical Performance. Internal and external reasons for the changes in the yearly data
for a total of 5 years back (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016), are identified and discussed
using two graphs that are put together by the team, and NOT from the Internet; one graph
for revenue and another graph for market share. Each of the graphs should have a 5-year
data, and the discussions paired, such as 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
under a subtitle to be called, “Analysis” at the bottom of each graph. 30 to 50 points.