Sports management

SPM 280 Issues in Sport

DW5 International Sport, Modern Olympics, Politics, Government (10 points)
Please type responses in blue
Please submit to Canvas and be prepared to discuss in class Thu, Feb 10 at 2:00pm (ET)
1. Do some digging and provide a list of pros and cons of hosting a mega-sport event such as the Olympics or World Cup.
a. Pros: Type your response here
b. Cons: Type your response here
2. Ideas and suggestions have been floated in recent years that the Summer and Winter Olympic Games should have either a single permanent home or a permanent rotation of just a small number of cities for each season. What say you? Should the International Olympic Committee continue to seek bids as normal, or should some level of permanency be established? Please support your response with a citation.
a. Type your response here
b. Supporting citation
3. Following Colin Kaepernicks kneeling protest of the treatment of blacks by law enforcement, he never again played in the National Football League. Should he have been protected, by law, for his workplace demonstration? Why or why not? Please support your response with a citation.
a. Type your response here
b. Supporting citation