Structured Interview Questions

  You will develop an UDL-informed structured interview guide to be used for the Regional Marager structured interview, which will involve a t professional within your content/ specialty area f(housing management) or organization.  This structured interview guide will comprise of demographic information of the participant and theirr organization, closed-ended (quantitative) questions, and open-ended (qualitative) questions.

You will create three sections: teaching and learning (UDL guidelines), inclusivity, and equity
Draft five (5) questions for each section

Each question should have a follow-up question as a prompt to obtain more information/data

Refer to the UDL Structured Interview Guide and the sample questions about inclusivity and equity 

The sample questions are attached ly and express themselves?

do you support learners to demonstrate their mastery or understanding of the content?

10. How do you measure and evaluate your effectiveness as a teacher and your learners achiev